Hands-On Kalamazoo
Our campaign to strategically engage residents of Kalamazoo in actively supporting their public schools.
Poverty vs. Education
We believe that a strong educational system is the foundation of any sustainable community.
The logic behind our campaign is simple;
socioeconomics is the biggest factor determining educational achievement,
Kalamazoo Public Schools is a high poverty school district,
and the greatest positive factor increasing student achievement is a strong support system established through relational being.
Aviators believes in order to develop Kalamazoo into a socioeconomically sustainable community,
that the public school system must be strong and well supported by its residents.
Without a strong and well supported public school system, businesses won't invest, homes will not be purchased,
property taxes will remain high for current homeowners, and needed revenue will not be generated for city operations.
Aviators will focus on walking through neighborhoods to build an authentically engaged culture of civic activity by building relationships with residents,
teaching residents how to build relationships with their fellow neighbors,
and then by facilitating a resident-driven grassroots movement focused on creating an actively engaged community.
Partnerships and collaborations are welcome!
Together, we can create a more "Hands-On Kalamazoo"!